

我初次見到印度古銀時,有一種驚為天人的感覺 - 沒有什麼特殊的理由,當時對它一無所知,純粹只是覺得美。當然美是一個純粹主觀的概念和感受,因人而異,不過我本就是一個喜歡舊東西的人,所有的舊東西。

這些舊東西包含美好的爵士樂(那種只存在當下的即興演出,緊抓流逝的時間且合而為一… 是無法複製的不完美,成就了它的魅力); 唱盤那種有點模糊卻感覺有溫度(雖然我知道形容“聲音”有溫度,是多麼不合邏輯和語義…)的質地 ; 二手古著的獨特設計,無可比擬的細節與印花,每一件都只來自它所屬的時空,用布料和剪裁訴說另一個故事,當今氾濫的廉價仿複古萬萬不能比擬。

I will always remember it when I first saw Indian old silver jewelry. I thought – and I still think, they have the magic charm not even gold can compare to. I knew nothing about them back then, yet all I saw in them was beauty. Of course, beauty is a completely subjective idea to all. But I have always been attached to the old and vintage things, they tell the good intimate stories and convey all the charm of the good years.

Those old things include jazz music, which is impeccable because every performance is momentary, grasps and exists only at that exact moment, it is imperfect and cannot be copied, and that is what life is all about. I also love vintage clothes. They have unique designs, the cut sometimes dramatic or even crazy to modern eyes. They also have luscious print and delicate details that none of the cheap copies nowadays can duplicate.


古銀也是一樣。它們各有著不同的故鄉,經過不同工匠的手來打造 : 在它們來自的地方,符號和象徵能昇華到文字觸不及的境界,它們的設計來自代代相傳的共同記憶和美感,有時更代表辟邪或是神聖。


And it is the same as the old silver. They came from their own lands, where they have been through different hands of the silversmiths, sometimes the glass makers and the gem stone cutters. The engraving speaks the language of symbols and meaning, the designs descend from thousand years of common memories and aesthetic taste. They adorn, they worship, and they also repel.

Through sharing my love and passion, I hope to share the beauty of old Indian silver jewelry.  



古銀連戒: 來自印度Gujarat省分。圓與方,極致單純的造型原始質樸卻又兼具強烈現代感相當難得一見的單品。

Old Silver Strung Unit Bracelet: from Punjab. Almond shaped units are closely strung together on a black cotton cord, closed with end loop and ball. Bold and strong.

Multi Finger Ring: Square and circle in the shape, the most primitive of all forms. This is a rare piece which is rough and simple, yet ultra modern. From Rajasthan, Inida.

 古銀鏈手環。Thick Chain Bracelets.


Old Silver Thick Chain Bracelets- from Rajasthan, India. Highly recommended as your first piece of old silver jewelry collection.  

DSCN1416古銀鏈手環。Thick Chain Bracelets.  


  DSCN1486.JPG  古銀手鍊 Old Silver Thick Chain Bracelet  


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